Our Vision

To improve global public health through infectious disease diagnostics

Our Mission:

To promote the development of accessible infectious disease diagnostics through multidisciplinary innovation along the development pipeline from research to impact in different global settings.

Meeting the Challenge

Half of the world’s population has little to no access to diagnostics for infectious diseases, even though they often carry the global burden. Almost every global health priority (antimicrobial resistance, global health security) depends on better access to quick and accurate diagnostic tests for infectious diseases.

Our center identifies promising emerging technologies, particularly those that are affordable and useful in resource-limited settings, and facilitates their translational movement along the development pipeline into clinical assessment and commercialization.

Recent Innovations in Diagnostics: News and Reports

WHO global research priorities for sexually transmitted infections
Cepheid Receives FDA Authorization with CLIA Waiver for Xpert® HCV
Upcoming Changes to Laboratory Developed Tests


The Center strives to ensure equitable access to quality diagnostic tests.